Alexis Richter

Hey there all, Jurnee here.   Just wanted to blog about a little that went on yesterday. Yesterday was day 1 of medical clinics. From the base, it took about 2 hours and 45 mins to get to the village. When we arrived, everyone was so excited to see us. There was about 75 families there. As we unloaded the van with all the medicine and gifts, the families lined up to get what they needed from the clinical. As they were waiting, a lot of us girls would do the best we could to ask if they wanted their hair done, nails done or if they wanted to play games with us. Traci, and some others sang Jesus loves you in Spanish to the girls. Their faces just shined so bright as we sang to them. We taught them duck, duck, goose. That was really fun! I went back to get a coloring book to hand out pages to the kids. When I was walking back, I noticed a little girl that had some disabilities off by herself. So I went up to her, asked her name, sat her on my lap and taught her how to color. Her name was Maria. The moms and grandma’s looked at me like I was so weird to actually want to be with her. Here in Guatemala kids with disabilities are shunned. They are the outcast; even by their families. After awhile I got up and went to play with some of the other girls. I found out later, that Maria had gone and played with some of the kids. Which is so amazing. When it got dark enough we played a Jesus film, we had worship and a teaching. The teaching was in Spanish…shocking, huh? Just kidding. While the pastor was speaking, I prayed that the Spirit would come down and flood this place. That everyone would accept and receive Jesus, and know how much they are truly loved. “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work, prayer is the greater work.” Prayer is so powerful. By the end of the night, everyone went up to the alter. I prayed for people. I hugged people that just needed to know they are loved. Accepted. Forgiven. Chosen.  After praying, we handed out bibles. The woman just came up and kissed you. I felt the love by that, I can’t imagine how they felt by us being there. I think the biggest thing that I struggled with was not being able to speak their language. It was something that I couldn’t control. 1 John 3:18 says, “Love not in word or tongue, but in action and in truth.” Just by hugging and spending time with them showed that they are loved—that we love them. God showed me that I need to trust in Him, and allow Him to guide me. We aren’t here to glorify us. Its not about us at all. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the ones He calls. He doesn’t need us, but uses the ones willing to take up their cross and follow Him. Who have a willing heart, and are obedient to what He asks of us. God’s already doing amazing things, and it’s only been 2 days. I can’t wait to see what God has for the rest of the week. I ask that you would continue to keep us in your prayers as there is spiritual warfare, and an Enemy that does not like what we are doing is real. But are God is bigger and stronger than anything that comes our way.

4 thoughts on “Alexis Richter

  1. Very good post, Jurnee. It brought tears to my eyes. I’m so glad you have this experience. I sure love you and will continue it pray for you. Pour it all out. Give your all. Because you have so much to give and God has empowered you. You are a blessing. God will give to rivers of living water to pour out on others.


  2. Jurnee, I’m so excited to hear how God is already using you and the team to impact the lives in Guatemala! You made me cry with your precious story of little Maria- keep loving on those kiddies that God has allowed you to touch this week. I’m so thankful you were obedient to answer God’s call- what a blessing to see Him answering your prayers. Remember our family is praying for you everyday trusting God to defeat the enemy and give victory in EVERY situation. Stay strong Jurn…we love you! 😊


  3. That’s awesome Jurn! Can’t wait to hear what else God does in your week there. Trust me there is a ton more he is going to to in you and through you. So proud of you sis!


  4. Great post Jurnee! I’m so proud of you and can’t wait for you to be home! You are being used by The Lord and we are all praying for you here!


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